Call your councillor

Ask councillors to sign the Plant Based Treaty

Make a quick call to your local councillor in Canada and ask them to sign the Plant Based Treaty. You can use this easy script if you wish:

  1. My name is _____, and I am your constituent
  2. I’m calling to ask you to sign the Plant Based Treaty 
  3. There needs to be a global treaty to address food emissions 
  4. A Plant Based Treaty would also allow us to reforest the Earth 
  5. We’d like you to sign and champion the treaty to help avoid a climate catastrophe. You can sign by visiting
  6. Cities can implement parts of Plant Based Treaty at the local level, such as in city hall and public events, and influence schools, universities, prisons, hospitals and senior homes.
  7. Is it possible for us to meet in person?* My name again is _____ and my contact number is _____ . Thank you.

If you would like to talk with your councillor in more detail, please check out our additional speaking points.

* We will email you with a brief, PBT one-pager, science factsheet and sample motion to take to a meeting with your councilor.

We love to know how your call goes. Please drop a message to [email protected] and let us know how it went.


Toronto, endorse the Plant Based Treaty