Heather Mills sparks protest inside the Bonn Climate Convention dining hall, telling people “If you care about the planet, eat vegan for your lunch”

Heather Mills sparks protest inside the Bonn Climate Convention dining hall, telling people “If you care about the planet, eat vegan for your lunch”

BACK TO PRESS CENTRE PRESS RELEASES | 2024 Heather Mills sparks protest inside the Bonn Climate Convention dining hall, telling people “If you care about the planet, eat vegan for your lunch” Heather Mills calls on Antonio Guterres to talk about the impact of meat and...
Heather Mills ha in programma una protesta alla Conferenza sul clima di Bonn per chiedere un Trattato Plant Based globale per affrontare le emissioni alimentari

Heather Mills ha in programma una protesta alla Conferenza sul clima di Bonn per chiedere un Trattato Plant Based globale per affrontare le emissioni alimentari

BACK TO PRESS CENTRE PRESS RELEASES | 2024 Heather Mills plans protest at Bonn Climate Conference to call for a global Plant Based Treaty to address food emissions 0share Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn (Bonn – Giugno 4, 2024) — Heather Mills will join climate...