Plant Based Treaty Endorsers

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Senator Jesusa Rodríguez


To know if someone really wants to fight for justice, you have to see what they eat.

Dr. Sylwia Spurek

Member of European Parliament

Plant Based Treaty is the first step towards New Vegan Deal and total equality to ensure that no animal is left behind.

Emma Lewell-Buck MP

Labour Party, UK

I’m proud to be the first MP to endorse the Plant Based Treaty.

Eleonora Evi

Member of European Parliament

Our food system, based on overproduction and overconsumption of meat and animal products, is destroying the planet while failing to feed the world’s population. By turning the Plant Based Treaty into reality we can finally make it sustainable, healthy, and just for all living things.

Dr. Tomasz Anisko MP

Green Party, Poland

Scientists have made it clear: it will not be possible to halt catastrophic climate change without fundamentally changing the way we produce food and without shifting the agriculture sector from animal production to sustainable plant-based systems.

Emma Hurst MP

Animal Justice Party, Australia

Right now millions of animals are facing the terror of the slaughterhouse and our climate crisis is edging closer to the point of becoming irreversible. But it’s not too late for a solution. Now is the time to stand up and speak the truth and speak it loudly. Let’s be relentless. Let’s demand change. Let’s rise fearlessly and speak out against injustice.

Swapnil Avinash Bandekar

Corporator, Shiv Sena, Mumbai, India

I endorse the Plant Based Treaty because we urgently need to put this in the forefront – it’s the future of the planet and all that live here!

Juan Carlos Losada Vargas

Member of the House of Representatives, Colombia

There is no planet B. Our priorities have to change now, we need to act, our house is burning down and we cannot be mere spectators, we have to make the right decisions.

Diego Ibáñez

Environment Commission, Chile

The climate crisis is also political. Today we need to radically change our ways of life collectively, end irrational consumerism that destroys ecosystems, be aware that we are one world with nature and that there is no tomorrow if we do not change politics today.

Zoe Mayer

MP, Germany

Almost 760 million animals live and die in Germany every year for meat production alone. Aside from the unfathomable animal suffering, our meat-heavy diet is a highly relevant driver of climate change. The shift toward a plant-based diet is central to solving many of the problems of our time, including world hunger and the climate crisis.

Politicians by country


Lisandro Zeno, Democratic Progressive Party, Rosario


Animal Justice Party

Animal Justice Party South Australia

Emma Hurst MP

Andy Meddick MP

Mark Pearson MP

Peter Castaldo, Banyule Council

Lisa Baker, Labor Party representative for Maylands in the WA Parliament, Perth

Daniele Benedetti, Wollongong City Council


Animal Protection Party of Canada

Waterloo Green Party

Elizabeth May, Leader of The Green Party, Saanich-Gulf Islands, British Columbia

Julie Dzerowicz, MP for Davenport, Toronto

Kim Fogtmann, Councilor for Prince George, British Columbia

Alison Gu, Councilor, Burnaby

James Gordon, Councilor for Ward 2, Guelph

Rodrigo Goller, Councilor for Ward 2, Guelph

Debbie Chapman, Councilor for Ward 9, Kitchener

Anna Keenan, Green candidate, Malpeque

Megan Curren, Councilor, North Vancouver

David Wood, candidate for local municipal for South Bruce, Ontario

Kemal Ahmed, York Centre NDP candidate, Ontario

Rob Hatton, candidate for Mayor, Toronto

Jaye Robinson, Councilor for Don Valley West, Toronto

Josh Matlow, Councilor for Toronto-St. Paul’s, Toronto

Parthi Kandavel, City Councillor candidate for Scarborough Southwest, Toronto

Chemi Lhamo, candidate for Parkdale – High Park, Toronto

Pete Fry, Councilor, Vancouver

Michael Wiebe, Councilor, Vancouver