Trainings & Webinars

Watch time: 37.40 mins

Languages: English

In this webinar, you’ll learn about our new initiative to increase plant-based options in your city. We will help you launch local campaigns to veganize menus in cafes, restaurants, bars, and more. With your help, we are trying to get 100 cafes in 100 towns and cities to increase plant-based options in 2024. If we succeed, that would be 10,000 menu changes and plant-based promotions worldwide.

Watch time: 56mins

Languages: English

Based on Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics, the Vegan Donut Model balances the Earth’s planetary boundaries with society’s social boundaries. Today, 6 of the 9 planetary boundaries are well beyond their safe operating space. In this webinar, we discuss how animal agriculture contributes to this planetary crisis, and provide ways for everyone to take action.

How To Turn Your University Plant-Based: Webinar 2

Watch time: 1hr 5mins

Language: English

Join us for our latest webinar where Plant Based Treaty campaigners discuss both short and long term objectives with a goal of turning your university plant-based! You will learn how to implement Earth Month at your institution, create a campus guide to plant-based options, how to implement carbon labeling, make meaningful menu changes and more.

How to deliver a Plant Based Treaty public statement at your Council meeting

Watch time: 1hr 47mins

Languages: English & Español

Join the Plant Based Treaty team for an innovative webinar on how to approach your local council, ask them questions, make a statement and get them to endorse and implement a Plant Based Treaty in your area.

The Power of Partnership: Cultivating Business Endorsements for the Plant-Based Future

Watch time: 17mins

Language: English

Watch our exciting presentation on endorsing businesses for the Plant Based Treaty 1.5, how to do it, and get tips from our activist Nilgun. Discover how you can make a difference in the plant-based diet movement and a sustainable future.

Workshop: How to Develop a Social Agricultural Project

Watch time: 53mins

Languages: English

This workshop is about how to use community gardens as a tool to create an agricultural revolution that heals our society & helps the climate, humans and other animals. Proyecto Cultivarte is joining us as special guests with whom we have started vegetable gardens last year in Argentina. More learn on their website.

How To Collect Individual PBT Endorsements: A Presentation by Nilgün Engin

Watch time: 34mins

Language: English

Turkey continues to be one of the leading nations when it comes to individual Plant Based Treaty endorsements. In this presentation, Nilgün Engin, organizer of Ankara Animal Save, shares with us her experience organizing events to get endorsements from individuals.

Reducing the Environmental Impact from Food: A Webinar with Joseph Poore

Watch time: 63mins

Language: English

In 2018, Dr. Poore did a groundbreaking study with Thomas Nemecek which makes a strong case for going vegan being the single biggest thing one can do to help the planet.