
Our ambassadors are messengers of climate action and help focus worldwide attention on the work of the Plant Based Treaty. They use their time, talent and passion to raise awareness of plant-based climate solutions which will help save the planet, animals and improve human health.

Global Ambassadors 

Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas

President of Orangutan Foundation International (OFI), Professor at Simon Fraser University and Professor Extraordinaire at Universitas Nasional

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Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas has been studying and protecting orangutans and their tropical rainforest habitat in Borneo for over 50 years.  She has been instrumental in helping save wild orangutans from extinction and helping bring the conservation crisis regarding orangutans and tropical rain forests to the attention of the world. She is President of Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) and a Professor at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia and Professor Extraordinaire at Universitas Nasional in Jakarta, Indonesia. She has won numerous awards for her research and conservation work.

I personally endorse the PBT concept because it is a Big Idea that supports my vision of a future where orangutans and humans and all other wildlife can live together in harmony and helps ensure the survival of natural ecosystems in perpetuity.

Country & City Ambassadors 

UK City Ambassador

Dr Richard Nicholson

IT Industry Veteran

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Richard initially trained as a Physicist/Astrophysicist before transitioning into IT and Financial Services Industry. Then, founding his own company, Richard studied complex adaptive systems found in natural ecosystems and exploring how these concepts could be translated and applied to self-adaptive software systems.

Richard has been an environmentalist for as long as he can remember and actively participated in protests with Greenpeace Frontline in the early 1990s. In 2019, he ran as a Green Party candidate for Haywards Heath Town Council and successfully won the election. During his term, he spearheaded the development of an environmental strategy based on localism, with activities prioritized according to the principles outlined in the Drawdown project. One of the key components of this strategy was promoting a dietary shift towards plant-based foods and reducing food waste.

Under Richard’s leadership, Haywards Heath Town Council in July 2022, became the first town in Europe to sign the Plant-Based Treaty, so further cementing its commitment to a sustainable plant based future.

Toronto City Ambassador

Vikki Lenola

Model, Activist and Producer

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Vikki Lenola is the creative force behind The Vegan Fashion Show – where runway meets heart! This event is THE playground for vegan fashion lovers and brands. Beyond the glitz, it’s a nonprofit fiesta that fuses entertainment, designers, vendors, education, and fundraising, with proceeds benefiting Canadian non profit Animal Justice. From making headlines as a model/ influencer and activist, Vikki now beams the spotlight on others through her firm, Lenola PR. This top-tier public relations agency whips up buzz for all things modeling, fashion, entrepreneurship, and veganism.

I have signed the Plant Based Treaty because it’s important to make healthy and sustainable food accessible to all.

Mauritius Ambassador

Heather Drummond

Plant-based Educator in Mauritius and founder of Ecoshe

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At the age of 28, Heather lost her mother and sister suddenly, sparking a profound journey of self-discovery. Seeking answers, she found herself in an Ashram in India, where the yogis’ vegetarian lifestyle fascinated her. This led her to write “Dear River“, chronicling her transformative experiences in wellness and inspiring her to educate people and companies on the benefits of a plant-based diet and how delicious it can be. She started a non-profit called Ecoshe to do just this. Her mission is to cultivate a sustainable future, nurturing empathy and love while promoting plant-based knowledge worldwide.

Heather launched her inspiring 1.5 hour workshop at the VegFest UK in 2022 and won an award in the Eco Solution Category. The workshop shows a short documentary she produced and also a quiz app which very quickly highlights how imperative it is we shift as a society to kinder, more sustainable diets. Since then she has taught the workshop countless times to hundreds of non-vegans of which over 50% choose to reduce their meat, dairy and egg consumption. She is inviting people worldwide to first of all learn with her, then potentially teach with her and if they so desire live together in vegan communities. In every one of her workshops, she acquaints participants with The Plant-based Treaty and extends a warm invitation to endorse it. Her teaching engagements have taken her to prominent hotels in Mauritius and, more recently, to companies committed to achieving ESG goals, emphasizing the harmonious integration of people, planet, and profit.

Heather was born in Zimbabwe in 1976, however has been living in Mauritius for the last 10 years. In Zimbabwe, she founded a successful business exporting African Art and later joined her husband’s software development company Webdev. Their other ventures, include PropertyCloud in Mauritius. Presently, she dedicates herself entirely to Ecoshe and serves as a passionate ambassador for the Plant-based Treaty alongside her work.

I support the Plant Based Treaty wholeheartedly because I’m driven by the vision of a greener, more ethical world that cherishes all living beings and preserves our planet for generations to come. Understanding the WHY behind the plant-based movement makes the HOW both effortless and thrilling and I’m delighted to be a part of this movement.

Singapore City Ambassador

Ambaree Majumder

Social Entrepreneur, Speaker and Educator, Singapore

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Ambaree Majumder is a Social Entrepreneur, Speaker and Educator in the field of Plant based Nutrition as well as Food Sustainability from eCornell.

She advocates eating a diet rich in plants through her talks workshops that are based on scientific evidence on why it is crucial that we gradually move to a plant based lifestyle for better human health and environmental sustainability. She has spoken at schools, university, corporate organisation and on several global platforms in countries like the USA, Australia, Malaysia, India, the Philippines and Singapore.

She is also a member of Rotary Club of Marina City in Singapore and leading the region of Singapore in their efforts towards protecting the environment. She is the co-chair of a task force called Plant-Rich Diet under Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group.

The fact that we can still prevent a climate catastrophe to a large extent just by modifying our eating habits is ray of hope for us and our future generations. Although it seems like a simple solution, the journey to achieve it might be one of the most difficult ones. I believe that it is possible only through persistent awareness campaigns and policy amendments. Both of these goals seem within our reach through the Plant Based Treaty.

Science Ambassadors 

Steve George

Earth Observation Technology and Systems Engineer at the European Space Agency (ESA)

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Steven George is an Earth Observation Technology and Systems Engineer at the European Space Agency (ESA) based in Noordwijk, Netherlands. He supports the design and engineering of Earth Observation Satellites which have become are invaluable tool for monitoring and understanding our planet’s dynamic processes and environment. He holds an MSc Physics and an MSc Astronautics & Space Engineering, accompanied by a rich history volunteer work, including organising & leading national student space initiatives, contributing to UN Volunteers mapping initiatives, leading public workshops on the climate crisis, and sets up new clubs wherever he goes. Since April 2022, Steve has become a fervent advocate for animal rights and climate justice, recognizing the interconnectedness between oppressive systems that profit from the marginalisation of others. He believes that restoring our relationship with nature and animals is foundational for establishing a more equitable world.

The urgency of a food system transformation is now irrefutable. The scientific evidence demands it, and the Plant Based Treaty represents our foremost initiative to put food systems on the agenda at global summits. It represents the opportunity to bridge the gap between science, policy, and the public for an existence where humans, non-human animals, and the planet co-exist sustainability and in peace.

Business Ambassadors

Richard Cassar

Founder of the Ethical Tee Company

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The Ethical Tee Company, founded by Richard, is an ethical apparel and print company in the UK. All their apparel is made from 100% GOTS certified organic cotton or sustainable fabrics like Ecovero, and is PETA approved, all their inks are phthalate free and vegan.

Richard is a huge West Ham United football fan and when he’s not signing up business endorsements for the Plant Based Treaty he enjoys post punk music and following the work of philosopher Juddo Krishnamurti.

Plant Based Treaty is a brilliant way of getting the conversation of animal agriculture onto the table when discussing climate change.

Youth Ambassadors

Nika Moeini


Policy change starts with making our voices heard. Young people will not only shape the future, but we will shape the present through our actions! We are leaders today, and must act on the greatest threat of our time: climate change.

Morgan Janowicz

Green REV Institute


We are on the edge of a climate catastrophe, yet we continue to conduct business as usual, afraid to make often radical but necessary decisions and ignore the science that ruthlessly shows us the reality in which we all find ourselves.

Brunna Sachs


If the world switched to plant-based food we wouldn’t have to deal with so many problems in the future! What we choose to put on our plates directly affects ecosystems, humans and the climate. Make the change now! The planet, animals and future generations thank you.

Health Ambassadors

Dr. Shireen Kassam

Founder and Director of Plant-Based Health Professionals UK

The UK is slowly coming to the realisation that a shift away from animal agriculture is indeed necessary, it is not happening quickly enough. It’s therefore down to us as healthcare professionals to lead the way. This is why we are proud to be endorsing the Plant Based Treaty.


Radiation oncologist in Ontario and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto

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Zahra Kassam MBBS MSc FRCPC DipABLM is a radiation oncologist in Ontario and Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Toronto. Zahra completed specialist training in Clinical Oncology followed by 3 years of clinical and research fellowship in gastrointestinal malignancies at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and a Masters in Clinical Epidemiology. Given the powerful beneficial impact of Lifestyle Medicine in cancer outcomes and other chronic diseases, Zahra incorporates lifestyle medicine education into her clinical practice, and is certified in Lifestyle Medicine through the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine. In 2019, she co-founded Plant-Based Canada to provide education on plant-based whole food nutrition that is sustainable, healthy, and promotes the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants. Her first book, Eating Plant-Based, Scientific Answers to Your Nutrition Questions is co-authored with her sister Shireen. Zahra has co-edited an academic textbook Plant-Based Nutrition in Clinical Practice.

I am honored to be a health ambassador for the Plant Based Treaty, which is rooted in the values of sustainability, health, compassion, and justice. Our food system negatively impacts individual health by contributing to our chronic disease epidemic, malnutrition, antibiotic resistance, and pandemic risk, as well as the health of our planet. As health professionals, we should be fiercely advocating for the health of our people and the planet on which we depend. There are no healthy individuals on an unhealthy planet. Plant Based Treaty represents a bold and inspiring vision to urgently transform the global narrative and influence policy at all levels toward a sustainable, just and healthful plant-based food system that is essential for our individual health, our planetary health, and our survival.

Julie Chan ND, R.Ac

Naturopathic Doctor and Registered Acupuncturist in Ontario

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Julie Chan ND, R.Ac is a Naturopathic Doctor and Registered Acupuncturist in Ontario and the founder of Liberty Wellness Clinic in Markham, Ontario. Julie completed her Doctor of Naturopathy degree program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and obtained her Acupuncturist designation from the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO). Julie furthered her studies and obtained her Prescribing and IVIT (Intravenous and Infusion Therapy) License in Ontario. Julie treats a wide range of health issues including neurobehavioural disorders, chronic diseases including heart disease, obesity, diabetes, inflammatory and degenerative conditions, hormonal dysfunction, digestive issues, allergies, skin disorders and more. Given the vast evidence-based benefits of plant-based nutrition in the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases, Julie incorporates nutritional counselling, lifestyle medicine and environmental medicine as part of her patient education. In 2014, Julie founded her non-profit organization, Peace Fur Paws and became the acting Toronto Leader for Animals Asia for 10 years.

As an ambassador for the Plant Based Treaty, I am honored to advocate for a pivotal change in our global food system towards a more sustainable, plant-based approach. Our current reliance on meat, dairy, eggs, and other animal products significantly contributes to chronic diseases, climate change, deforestation, and zoonotic disease transmissions that affect humans.

By adopting a whole food plant-based diet alongside healthier farming practices, we have the potential to drastically reduce mortality rates from chronic diseases globally. Not only can we improve individual health, but we can also enhance the well-being of our planet and all species that depend on it.

As a practitioner, my mission is to advocate for dietary and lifestyle practices that promote both personal health and the health of our environment. Together, we can foster a healthier and more sustainable future.

Media Ambassadors 

Robbie Lockie

they / them

Digital media expert, co-founder and co-director of
Plant Based News

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Robbie Lockie is a digital media expert and influential figure within the global vegan movement. They are perhaps best known for being the co-founder and co-director of Plant Based News

Lockie was born in Zimbabwe, Africa, and started a career in digital design before relocating to London, England, in 1999.

Like most people, Lockie grew up eating meat – but they decided to try out a plant-based diet in 2013 after experiencing health problems. The switch had a hugely positive impact on them, which led Robbie to research other benefits of veganism. It was then that their eyes were opened to the immense suffering of farmed animals. 

Veganism has since become a major part of Robbie’s life. They founded Plant Based News alongside Klaus Mitchell in 2017, and the digital media platform has become the world’s leading source of vegan news. It has 80 million impressions a month, and almost 3 million followers on social media. 

Robbie is also the founder of the globally celebrated initiative World Plant Milk Day. They have produced a number of videos for animal rights organisation Viva!, including The Dairy Industry’s… TRASH and Swine. The latter explores antibiotic-resistant superbugs on factory farms.

Through all their valuable work, Robbie draws attention to how a vegan lifestyle can benefit animals, the environment, and our health. They also disseminate much-needed information that mainstream media often chooses to ignore. Truly “disrupting the conventional narrative.”

Care Home Ambassadors

Bill and Pat Russell

On February 1, 2023, Bill and Pat Russell happily agreed to “join the diplomatic corps” and become Plant Based Treaty ambassadors for care homes. Their daughter Regan Russell, who was tragically killed on June 19, 2020 by a pig transport truck going to Fearmans slaughterhouse across the street from the coffee shop they are sitting in the above video, would be very proud of her beloved parents. At 92 years young, Bill and Pat are continuing her activism to build a kind, vegan world.

Rewilding and Farming Ambassador 

Jimmy Videle

Veganic farmer, activist, naturalist, consultant and researcher.

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Jimmy Videle is a farmer, activist, naturalist, consultant and researcher. He has been a consultant and researcher with A.U.M. Films (producers of Cowspiracy and What the Health), the Humane Party USA and the Animal Protection Party, Canada. He lives with his wife, Mélanie Bernier and five rescue cats on the small-scale veganic farm, La Ferme de l’Aube Accueil ( in Boileau, Québec. He has been growing his own food and homesteading for over twenty-five years and became a professional full-time organic farmer in 2005. From 2010-2014 he worked and consulted on eleven, organic and permaculture farms throughout Hawaii, Mexico, Central America, South America and Québec before settling at his current home in 2014.

He is the author of The Veganic Grower’s Handbook: Cultivating Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs from Urban Backyard to Rural Farmyard: The Veganic Grower’s Handbook – Lantern (, the host of The Veganic Grower’s Hour YouTube show, and the co-founder of the North American Veganic Certification Standard (NAVCS) – Certified Veganic North American Veganic Certification Standard – Serving USA, Canada, and Mexico ( whose mission is to certify farmers throughout North America in 100% plant-based agriculture principles and practices, and create a community that works to end animal agriculture forever.

As a naturalist he has conducted field studies as a ‘citizen scientist’ logging more than 10,000 hours of field work with theNational Audubon Society, National Park Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Nature Conservancy, Birds Canada and the Arizona and Québec Breeding Bird Atlas’s.


Human beings’ current practices of speciesism, the way we are dominating the planet, must come to an end.  As a veganic farmer and activist I have dedicated my time to show that there is a more compassionate way to walk on our collective earth. City by city, state by state, nation by nation we can live together harmoniously with each other and the natural world. We can end animal agriculture forever and transition to a 100% plant-based agricultural system. The Plant Based Treaty has my endorsement for they seek to enact on these principles whole-heartedly.

What we choose to put on our plates directly affects ecosystems, humans and the climate. Make the change now!’
– Brunna, PBT Youth Ambassador

‘What we choose to put on our plates directly affects ecosystems, humans and the climate. Make the change now!’
– Brunna, PBT Youth Ambassador