Campaign Hub

Your campaign toolkits

Resources for…   Individuals  |   Groups  |    Businesses  |  Cities  |  General  |  Organizers

Individual endorsement resources

General Endorse Invite

Your PBT elevator pitch

Lowering your carbon footprint

How to write a letter to the editor

Take the vegan pledge

Download PBT sign up sheet

Group endorsement resources

Groups endorse invitation

18 ways schools can help

Business endorsement resources

Business endorse invitation

17 ways businesses can help

City Resources

Write to your politician

How To: Pass a motion in your city

Template: Pitch to cities

Template: Draft Resolution

Template: Media release

10 ways cities can help

Includes free downloads for:
Flyers & Business cards | Guides | Printable placards | Table toppers | Postcards | Social media pack | School resources

Languages: English, Español, Italia, 日本, Português, Türkçe, Tiếng Việt, русский

PBT Organizer’s Guide

Full of resources and ideas to help you get started with Plant Based Treaty campaigns where you live.

Languages: English

PBT Playbooks

Includes free information for:
Education, Athletes, senior care homes and much more

Languages: English

Science Factsheets

Scientific, bitesize fact-based information about the impact of food systems and climate change in your country.

Languages: English

20 ways to make an impact and build momentum

Political Pressure

To achieve a #PlantBasedTreaty, we need political representatives from all sides of politics to endorse the treaty.

1 // Meet your political representatives and ask them to endorse a #PlantBasedTreaty.

2 // Attend your representatives’ public appearances and ask them a question about their views on halting the expansion of animal agriculture and transitioning towards a safer plant-based food system.

3 // Get your local government to pass a motion in support of a #PlantBasedTreaty. Read our how-to guide.

Business & Society

To achieve a #PlantBasedTreaty we will need collective action.

4 // Contact local businesses, NGOs, charities and religious centers to ask them to add plant-based options to their canteens, functions and events.

5 // Ask local eateries to make a meaningful shift towards plant-based and endorse the Plant Based Treaty. Example demands: Make 50% of your menu plant-based by 2022; Switch dairy for plant-based alternatives by 2022; Switch your burgers to plant-based.

6 // Ask your local schools, hospitals, community centres and prisons to add plant-based options to their menus explaining both the planetary, health, happiness and cost benefits.

Grow the #PlantBasedTreaty Network

To achieve a #PlantBasedTreaty we will need a huge global network of movements, organisations, and individuals supporting and creating pressure.

7 // Start or join a local climate action group and put #PlantBasedTreaty on the agenda, hold a meeting to plan your next steps!

8 // Doorknock your local area with a #PlantBasedTreaty endorsement pledge.

9 // Host a #PlantBasedTreaty information night in your area.

10 // Host craftivism meetups to make banners and signs to take along to climate rallies and events.

Creative Action

Get people active! In addition to moving hearts and minds, get people active in your community by turning them out at large and creative #PlantBasedTreaty actions in your community.

11 // Put on a rally in your local area calling for a Plant Based Treaty, or add it as a demand to other upcoming rallies and strikes.

12 // Paint a #PlantBasedTreaty-themed mural in an approved public place.

13 // Organise a #PlantBasedTreaty projection on a landmark or political building.

Make Some Noise

Help the plant-based movement grow, reach new audiences and put pressure on political representative all at the same time by making sure that everywhere anyone looks, all they see is #PlantBasedTreaty.

14 // Write Letters to the Editor to your local newspapers about #PlantBasedTreaty. Read our how-to guide.

15 // Make and hang a #PlantBasedTreaty banner in a busy public place, put up posters and stickers. Click here to access downloadable resources.

16 // Organise with local businesses to display #PlantBasedTreaty posters in shop fronts.

17 // Chalk #PlantBasedTreaty messages in high footfall areas and on the footpath outside your politicians’ office.

18 // Connect with influencers and celebrities and ask them to promote the Plant Based Treaty on their social media channels.

19 // Use our social media kit to promote a food system change and the Plant Based Treaty.

20 // Host a film screening, food giveaway or plant-based food festival to promote the benefits of plant-based food and the Plant Based Treaty.

Every Plant Based Treaty action has added up to…





Global food production is the single largest driver of environmental degradation; threatening local ecosystems, causing biodiversity loss, destabilising earth’s critical cycles and driving a sixth mass extinction of species
– EAT Lancet Commission, 2019