2022 Press Releases


Glastonbury Town Council table Plant Based Treaty vote on 11 October in response to the climate emergency

Media Contact(s):
Nicola Harris: +447597514343 [email protected]
Anita Krajnc: 416-825-6080 [email protected]

Media Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/3/folders/1HXm6s3qmVCgbfrGAuICDcj5_TJ3MuL7G

Event Details:

Date: Tuesday, 11th October 2022
Time: Rally at 5.30 pm. Vote at full council meeting at 7 pm
Where: Glastonbury Town Hall, Town Hall, Magdalene St, Glastonbury, BA6 9EL 

Climate campaigners plan to rally at vote to urge council support for plant-based diets

Climate campaigners calling for a Plant Based Treaty will hold a rally at Glastonbury town Hall at 5.30 pm on Tuesday 11th October to urge councillors to vote in favour of endorsing a Plant Based Treaty motion during the full council meeting at 7 pm.

The motion will be put forward by Cllr. Lindsay MacDougall and seconded by Cllr. Mike Smyth.

Glastonbury Town Council was inspired by the conservative-led Haywards Heath Town Council who became the first UK Council to endorse the Plant Based Treaty on 21st July 2022. 18 towns and cities have endorsed the Plant Based Treaty since its launch at COP26 last year. 

The planned vote is welcomed by Cllr Dr Richard Nicholson from Haywards Heath Town Council who says:

“The science is clear –  planet Earth’s bio-sphere – our life support system – is under severe stress and starting to fail. Extreme weather events are no longer hypothetical but upon us with increasing frequency. As our governments and global business refuse to act – it is down to individuals, families, towns and cities to drive the necessary change. I welcome Glastonbury’s decision to acknowledge the reality of the situation we face and the courage to step up to the challenge by signing the Plant Based Treaty. It is my sincerest wish that other UK Towns & Cities will soon follow us.”

A petition calling Glastonbury to endorse the Plant Based Treaty has attracted almost 6,000 signatures.

Plant Based Treaty campaigner Josephine Robinson who plans to deliver a speech at the council meeting says: 

“I urge Glastonbury Council to endorse the Plant Based Treaty and strengthen Glastonbury’s Environmental Charter. Promoting the benefits of healthy sustainable plant-based food can play a key role in reducing the town’s consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions and help us become carbon neutral by 2030.” 

Matt Sparrey from Pyramid Vegan Cafe located at 15A High Street, Glastonbury said,

“We urge Glastonbury Town Council to take action on plant-based solutions to the climate crisis and endorsing the Plant Based Treaty would be an important first step.”

More than 200 councillors from almost 60 towns and cities have individually signed the Plant Based Treaty from parties including Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats and Greens. 

20MPs signed Early Day Motion 434, including Labour’s former Shadow Chancellor John McDonell. The motion welcomes the Plant Based Treaty and calls for the UK to be a “world leader in recognising the negative impact of industrial animal agriculture on climate change and commit to developing a global strategy to transition towards more sustainable plant-based food systems.”

Conservative MP Henry Smith who has endorsed the Plant Based Treaty said: 

“Animal agriculture causes more carbon emissions than all transportation, eliminating or at least significantly reducing it, would not only significantly address climate change but also end the suffering and exploitation of millions of animals.”

The Plant Based Treaty has secured high-profile endorsements from celebrities including this year’s Glastonbury Festival Headliner Paul McCartney. In a joint statement with Mary and Stella McCartney, they said: 

“We believe in justice for animals, the environment and people. That’s why we support the Plant Based Treaty and urge individuals and governments to sign it.”


The Plant Based Treaty is modelled on the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and inspired by treaties that have addressed the threats of ozone layer depletion and nuclear weapons. The initiative has received support from 55,000 individual endorsers, 5 Nobel laureates, IPCC scientists, more than 1800 NGOs, community groups and businesses, including Ecotricity, Linda McCartney Foods, Oceanic Preservation Society, Environmental Alliance Project and chapters of Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and Extinction Rebellion.