Endorse the Plant Based Treaty

The planet urgently needs your help.

Food systems are at the heart of both fuelling and combating the climate crisis. What we eat — and how we farm — is responsible for extreme levels of greenhouse gas emissions, ecosystem destruction on a colossal scale and the rapid decline of biodiversity worldwide.

We must halt the widespread degradation of critical ecosystems — the very ecosystems that are keeping us all alive, every day. We need a radical shift in our food systems, and the Plant Based Treaty aims to do just that by working alongside globally-agreed goals to halt the widespread destruction of ecosystems due to animal agriculture, promote shifts to more healthy, sustainable plant-based diets and actively restore and reverse the damage done to planetary functions, ecosystems and biodiversity.

The Plant Based Treaty has three core principles:

1) Relinquish
2) Redirect
3) Restore

Sign the Treaty today – it’s a free, quick and easy way to take a stand against the climate crisis.

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