Thank you for taking a stand against the climate crisis.

Even if we ended the use of fossil fuels today, we wouldn’t be able to stop the climate, ocean and biodiversity catastrophe without shifting to a plant-based food system.

Promote the Plant Based Treaty

Here are your next steps

Download your FREE Vegan Action Starter Guide

Download your FREE Plant Based Treaty Social Media Kit (including endorse badges) which can be used on your website, printed materials and newsletters

Join our Plant Based Treaty Slack Channel where you can connect with other endorsers and help build the movement calling for a Plant Based Treaty.

Visit our campaign hub where you will find letter templates to write to your political representatives. Set your own treaty goals and help encourage others to endorse the Plant Based Treaty. This will help pressure national governments and ensure the Plant Based Treaty is ratified

Start a climate action group in your city and campaign for a Plant Based Treaty. Check out our downloads for materials such as placards, postcards, stickers and business cards

Need more? Check out the Plant Based Treaty downloads for posters, postcards, stickers and additional resources.

Find out more ways you can lower your carbon footprint

Find out more ways you can lower your carbon footprint

Let’s be friends

We love getting social, which is why you’ll find us on all the major social media platforms. We think it’s a great way to build an online community where we can share news, ideas and actions. We’d love for you to join us. See you there!