Help your university try Veganuary this January!

The Try Veganuary Universities Pledge Campaign aims to encourage as many universities as possible to introduce Veganuary in their cafeterias for the month of January. Even if you are not a student at university, don’t worry, you can still ask your local universities to take part!

Anita, Yarim and Chef Marco Tucci, executive Chef at University of Toronto

Why Universities?

Universities have a big influence on food emissions on campus. In response to the climate and planetary crises, universities can switch their menus to plant-based or increase vegan options during January and beyond. Universities can also introduce new specials, run promotions or introduce plant-based milk by default in all hot and cold drinks. This would benefit more than 200 million students enrolled in universities worldwide.

Take Action

Please use or adapt our template letter to send to the executive chef or relevant contact at your local university asking them to introduce Veganuary for the month of January.

We’d love to know how you get on. Please share your experiences and progress by emailing [email protected].

This campaign is not just for January!

You can take part any month as part of our ‘Try Plant-based month’ campaign. Other notable months you could consider are Afro vegan society’s Veguary in February and Earth Month in April.